life coach, U239

about Clare
About Clare Manning BA., Dip NLP, Dip LCH, Cert IMP
What can life coaching do for you?
What happens in a coaching session?
About Clare

I was a manager in Higher Education for 17 years before setting up my coaching practice. I have a BA Modern Languages, a Diploma in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) a Diploma in Life Coaching (LCH), accredited by the OCN and the International Institute of Coaching. I also have a Certificate in Interpersonal Mediation. I am a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and adhere to their code of ethics. I work with other coaches in my area and continue to develop my own learning to make sure my practice is as current and energised as possible.

I have always been delighted by the transformation that happens for people during coaching. I have experienced the power of coaching myself, both from having a coach and being my own coach. What I love about it is the way it puts you back in the centre of your life and fills you with an ongoing sense of excitement. I often feel now as if something amazing has just happened or is about to happen – and then I realise this is what I feel like when I am 100% me...

I would love to help you discover what coaching can do for you so give me a call on 07751 905217 and we can plan how we will work together.

Life Coach - Performance Coach - Derbyshire – telephone coaching, skype coaching and face to face coaching - 07751 905217